online courses
Beauty is in feeling yourself.
online face yoga course
Video with exercises
Get to know that can become your secret source of natural rejuvenation!
The online course includes 5 video contents with exercises with which you lift all 57 facial muscles. Each exercise is dedicated to a specific part of the face. It is recommended that you do all five sets of exercises because the individual parts of the face are depend on each other. For example, if we want to lift the lower eyelid it is not enough to do the exercise just for it but we have to strengthen the upper eyelid as well. In case when the upper eyelid falls it also pushes down the lower eyelid. And the reverse is also true, when we lift the upper eyelid with training we also lift the lower eyelid at the same time.
The video program guides you step by step through each exercise and explains to you the effect of a certain exercise. 10 minutes exercise a day is enough for a good result. You may need a little more in the beginning until you have completely mastered particular exercise. The exercises are suitable for both women and men. They differ little mainly due to different interests between the sexes. Exercises for woman focus primarily on the beauty effect while exercises for men give concentration and focus, have anti-stress effects and increase sexual potency. But we can all do all the exercises. are really golden because in addition to natural rejuvenation they will also have a positive effect on your health and well-being.
You can get an online face yoga course which includes video content with five basic face yoga exercises at a promotional price of 49 EUR. This price includes one month of unlimited access to this exercises. You can renew your access at any time after one month. All videos have English subtitles.
For an even greater effect of the exercises read the blog “The secret of golden face yoga exercises”
individual program
Do you want individual conseling tailored to your face and wishes? Then you can subscribe to an individual program where under my quidance we go through exercises together and adjust the training according to your face. We process together one exercise in 45 minutes.
The price of individual program is 50 EUR for 45 minutes + transport (only in Slovenia) You can get five individual hours for 200 EUR + transport (Slovenia)